Cairo Metro

Some of my colleagues, Steve, Montserrat, Rich, and Jordi.  Montse and Jordi are a married couple from Spain.  Rich and Steve from the U.S.A.
The Cairo Metro is the only Metro system on the African continent.  We are on our way to Coptic Cairo.

Al Ahzar Park

Spot the cell phone tower.  Very clever.
Zainab and I will be working together.  She has the other Grade 3 class.  Her last assignment was Special Ed. in the Bronx, five years.  Al Ahzar Park in the background is lovely.

First Impressions

My apologies for the delay.  I have just discovered my local coffee house, Cilantro.  It is Cairo’s version of Starbucks and has WiFi.  Starbucks has also wormed its way into the country but I have yet to find one.
Posts will be mostly photos for now. 
Top: Under the wing tip across from the populated island of Zamalek is my neighbourhood of Mohandiseen.
Bottom:  My hotel for the first two days in the suburbs outside of Cairo near my school.  Really tried to milk it.  Drat, I found my apartment too quick.